Breaking News……

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Hello friends! Hope you enjoyed a lovely weekend, I know we sure did. The sun has been out for a few days in a row here without rain and now today has been nothing but rain! Which is ok because I’ve been busy painting a bathroom and other miscellaneous stuff around the house. This weekend the hubby and I were busy mulching, landscaping, running to Menards at least two times a day and also finishing the siding on the garage. We’ve been going gangbusters over here on the house because we are putting a big fat For Sale sign in the yard in the next week or two!!!! A lot has transpired the past three weeks but I really couldn’t say anything until it was official.

Hubby and I have lived in this town for 12 years, we moved here right after he graduated from college. We never ever thought we would be here this long but here we are twelve years later. We have tried to move away at least two other times but God clearly shut the door both times. Thank goodness He did because the one company we almost went to work for went bankrupt! Anyways, to make a long story short, hubby is keeping his job and will be telecommuting from our new city! In case you don’t know, hubby is a computer programmer/analyst so he can easily work from home. He has been blessed with an awesome job with very very good benefits and that’s not something we want to leave, we are very thankful for his job! Hubby and I knew that if we were going to ever leave this place, it was now or never. Our oldest daughter is in 4th grade and it’s already hard for her to leave her friends and classmates and it will only be harder with each year that passes. This time it really feels as if God has been opening the doors and we are looking forward to see what life has in store for us in the next year!

So I won’t be blogging or emailing much in the next few weeks as we knock off a lot of items on our list so we can put the sign in the yard and then hopefully we will be busy showing the house or packing because we had an offer the first day! (A girl can dream, right?) I hope you will stick around and join us our this adventure in the next few months!

I do have a dining room reveal coming up this week though so stay tuned for that! I also might just show you a few other rooms in our house over the next few weeks as well because they’ll be all fresh and pretty!

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6 thoughts on “Breaking News……

  1. Oh Ange, I am so happy for you and your family especially if it's God's plan! Wish you all the best in the sale of your home and pray it sells fast. Can't wait to see your dining room. Have a great week 🙂

  2. So excited for you all! I know it's going to be a lot of work and a huge adjustment but what an exciting adventure! I will be praying for you!


  3. Hi Ange,

    Congratulations and best wishes for a smooth sale and easy move! I'm very excited for you guys! Your house is beautiful…. Lucky potential buyers!!

  4. Congrats on the move! I bet you will miss your house after all you have done to it! It's really beautiful and I am sure you will have no problem selling it. Good luck! OH, you should take us house hunting with you! That would be awesome! I love looking at houses. 🙂 Have a great week! Chris

  5. What?? You're going to move? Where are you guys going to move to? God Bless your whole family and here's hoping for a safe, quick, and easy move!

  6. Not sure how I missed this. Happy for you, though. It takes a humble person to recognize when God is directing you on another path. Grateful your husband has a good job as well. You will blessed as you & he listen to Him. I remember when we moved last. I was worried about my oldest children missing their friends etc. Turned out it was my youngest that had the hardest time. She was only 3 and my oldest two were in 6th grade and 2nd grade. Go figure! LOL, you just never know. 🙂 Thinking and praying for your family, Ange.

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