So I’ve been debating what to name this guest series that I am doing every Monday and I originally had called it The Blooming Blogger back in April and May. Then we were moving, things were a bit crazy and the series fell to the side after only two months. Well I’ve decided to start the series again and keep the original name, hopefully you like it. Thank you to those that gave name suggestions, they were all great ideas and I love that you actually wanted to help me!
Alrighty peeps, it’s time to get this party started! This morning I am so happy to welcome Lisa from Before Meets After. I am not even sure how I found Lisa’s blog but I’m glad I did. She has a great sense of humor and has a great eye for transforming furniture. I am so excited to meet her at Haven in June and hopefully she won’t mind me snoring as we are going to share a room while at the conference. Or at least we were until she read that last sentence.
Take it away, Lisa!
What is your favorite show on HGTV?
I heart Scott McGillivray from Income Property. It is unbelievable to me that he takes these hole in the wall places and turns them into amazing, functional spaces that people pay big bucks to live in. So Scott, if you’re reading this, I have the hots for you and your properties 🙂
If you had $5000, what would you do with it?
Well first of all I would send my parents on vacation to show them how thankful I am for all they do for us. They work so hard and have helped the hubbs and I out big time. They let us live in their lake house, for FAH-REE for 6 months while we searched for the perfect house. They never complain when we ask for help at our own house (and that seems to happen a lot!) Everytime they’ve gone to go on a big vacation, the storm of the century hits or some other catastophe and they’ve been unable to go. So I wouldn’t think twice about booking them a trip to some paradise island…and beg they pack me in their suitcase of course 🙂
What are you working on right now?
Our kitchen seems to be taking up the majority of my time right now. We’ve put in new countertops, a backsplash, and I’ve even given a sneak peek to our amazing island. It’s been worth all the time we’ve put into it because we absolutely love it!
What is one gift you would like under the tree for yourself this year?
As I get older, I find it harder and harder to buy things for myself. There’s always other things that the money needs to go towards! But I would not complain if Santa dropped one of these down our chimney. (Gently of course!)
I’m dying for a DSLR camera, but I’m also dying at the price! I’m hoping that hubbs and I can save enough to finish the kitchen appliances and then get one of these. But I’ll keep dreaming in the meantime 🙂
We all have project fails from time to time, what is one project that failed for you?
What project hasn’t failed me?? I really think if you’re going ot be a true DIYer, you have to be prepared for if, and when, a project fails. There’s always going to be some snag, whether big or small. Some are easier to recover from than others. One of the most frustrating things was when we bought our oven, and it didn’t fit! I thought my hubbs was going to kill me! It took a few days, a lot of wood, and some creative ideas, but it finally worked. I’ve had smaller projects go wrong like having to repaint entire pieces of furniture because I didn’t mix enough paint (duh!) or not having enough supplies and running out mid project. But it’s all in good fun, and afterwords you’ve got a great story!
Thank you Lisa for joining me today! Make sure you head over to Lisa’s blog Before Meets After and say hello!
Also Lisa and a few other bloggers, including myself, will be guest posting at Lisa’s blog starting December 5th for the Twelve crafty days of Christmas. You will want to make sure to stop over and see all the Christmas crafts, treats, ornaments & DIY Projects that will be featured each day!

haha!! I might change my mind now 🙂
What a fun series. I had so much fun reading the little Q&A post.
So glad you featured Lisa! She is super creative and talented and so "real" in how she shares her life and her projects. And I'm also so glad you kept the blooming blogger name…it really is perfect! 🙂
Beautiful kitchen!!!
Hey Ange. As always, I appreciate your candor!!!
… and Lisa too. 🙂 Gesh. 😉