Before & After: Little Boy Vintage Americana Room

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After hours of editing photos, I’m finally ready to share our little boy’s bedroom with you.
To refresh your memory I posted this before of the bub’s room on Feb. 9th over with Lisa at Shine Your Light for her February Before and After party.   The room was dark forest green and had nothing on the walls save for some cobwebs. I really did not like his bedroom and was just waiting for the inspiration to hit.

When I explained to my hubby that I wanted to make it a book nook he immediately wanted to build a ladder and a seat/bench area.  I wasn’t crazy about the idea because I imagine what little boys like to do from platforms, jump off them and break their necks.  Of course I may be over dramatizing this a bit, I’ll let you know if it happens. The hubs built his platform/ladder thing in the nook and I’m so glad he did. After he added the seat and ladder we knew that we wanted a light in there and book storage but it is a pretty narrow space.  After a few options that just didn’t work out we settled for using some fabric storage bins that previously held his socks and grundy undies.  The back of the nook was looking pretty plain and my original thought was stripes but then inspiration struck, barn wood!   Thankfully we had some beautiful barn wood just sitting in our garage!   After that the search was on for a light fixture and Lowes had the perfect one!  I LOVE how the nook turned out and so does the bubs.  Isn’t he so cute reading in it?

I kept his bed the same for now, he is still little and needs the bed rail on at night but for the pictures I kept it off the bed.  The only changes to his bed are the new navy comforter from Marshalls and the pillow I recovered with fabric.  The dresser was from our bedroom in the old house and I repainted it and added some new knobs.  While browsing pinterest I found inspiration to try a chalkboard paint on this dresser. I sifted with a sifter some unsanded grout into the paint, mixed it in really well and painted it on the dresser.   I’m still not in love with it and might repaint it the same color just without the grout. It’s definitely a chalky type of paint on there and I did try using chalk on the dresser but I just don’t love it.

UPDATE:  We added some rain gutter bookshelves to his room by the bed.  Handy to have for bedtime stories and library books.

Here is the before and afters for you, one more time!

Project Cost Breakdown:

Toy Bin from GW (Target) $10
Gallon of blue Pittsburgh paint from Menards $5
Blue Twin Comforter from Marshalls $17
Quart of Red Better Homes & Gardens Paint from Wal-Mart $10
Knobs for dresser from Hobby Lobby $2 x 8+ $16
Navy Curtains from Target on clearance $9.50
Metal Signs from Hobby Lobby at 40% off $15.00
Lamp Shade for Boob Light cover-up from GW (Target)$4
1 and 5/8 fabric for pillows – $10
Boards for Nook shelf and ladder – $20
Light for Nook from Lowes $25
Two Pictures from Hobby Lobby $30
Barn Wood – Blood + Sweat = Free!

Total $171.50

My goal was to do this room for $100 to $150.  I came pretty close!

(The doors and trim paint were not included in the cost of this room because we are replacing the doors throughout the entire house and also painting all the trim white).

This room turned out way better than I thought it would for $170.  The feel is a vintage Americana, tied together by the fabric on the pillows.  What do you think?

I’m linking up here:


Thrifty Decor Chick

Shine Your Light

Saved by Suzy
The DIY Show Off

Home Stories A2Z


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53 thoughts on “Before & After: Little Boy Vintage Americana Room

  1. it looks amazing!!! i absolutely love it- the nook is my favorite part! sawyer has those compass knobs on the top drawer of his dresser; i love them! amazing job, friend!

  2. That looks absolutely amazing! You did such a great job – I really love the book nook. That is, hands down, the best part of the room in my opinion 🙂

  3. Ange!! Girl this is just absolutely amazing!! That book nook is so adorable but your bubs sitting there in all of his adorable glory just completely upstaged it. LOL! You did such an awesome job and I love every single detail. Well done friend and thanks for sharing it at Inspiration Friday!

  4. Ange, this is amazing! I love the reading nook that you created. Such a great use of space. Oh and the look on your dog's face in that one pic is priceless! Have a great weekend friend!

  5. Great job on an amazing budget too! The room is adorable. That nook with the ladder is just the perfect touch. I want one. Seriously.

  6. What a sweet room! I LOVE everything about the reading nook (especially the photos of your cutie enjoying it!) Thanks for visiting Moose Mouse Creations. I'm now following you and would love for you to follow me too!

  7. Oh my goodness Ange! The book nook is just beyond adorable, every detail is soooo cute! Bub, of course being the cutest thing in the room. 😉 That picture of him reading in his nook is adorable. I LOVE the barn wood, it really makes that area. And the knobs on his dresser are perfect. Great job!


  8. Awesome room! And the book nook with ladder is perfect (love the wall and lights also)! I would love to sit up there too! (love your drawn in spider webs :o) I had to get at a bunch of those(I mean, the real webs :o) the other day! And how sweet is your cutie with his books! Love that your pet struck a pose for the pics :o)

    Blessings & Aloha!
    I'm stopping by through At the Picket Fence's Inspiration Friday. If you have some time, I'd love for you to take a peek at our daughter's progress for her little one's nursery – Nursery time…

  9. Ange, the Bub's room looks so fantastic!!! Seriously, I'm dying over that book nook and the little man sitting in there reading! He's adorable and the barn wood and the light are genius! I love it! Thanks so much for linking up! Hope you have relaxing weekend after getting that accomplished!

  10. Oh my goodness! You have been busy…that's a LOT to accomplish in a month. You should be so happy! Don't you love looking back at the before and afters?!?!? My favorites are the book nook and your darling son reading his book. But, Ruby and the light fixture come in a close 2nd and 3rd. I thought my dog was going to be the biggest doodle ever, but Ruby is right up there too!

  11. Love the little nook and the sort of industrial feel it has with the wood and the cool light fixture! Your little one looks right at home, such a cutie! Really amazing, I could never get a room done in one month, far too indecisive lol xxx

  12. Your sure can imagine all sorts of things. The nook is great. If you had some left over wood, maybe trim out the map with it! I love maps. Reminds me of when I was little studying the one in my Dad's office.

  13. I love when you can take something like that nook and make it seem like it was planned. So many other people would have missed that opportunity. You have made it make something wonderful. I love that room! Can you guess my favorite part:-) I love that picture.

  14. Ange, it looks SO good! I love the reading nook! You know I'm a sucker for barn wood and anything rustic! It give the space such character! Well done! It looks fantastic!!

  15. Awe, he is soooo sweet! Ange, everything looks SO good! I love, love, love the book nook! Rustic, vintage is just so charming! You did an amazing job!

  16. Looks wonderful! I love the nook and especially love the wood slats. It really adds a great layer of texture. Wonderful. Thanks for popping by and for the nice comment 🙂

  17. That turned out so great. I love the barn wood and the nook. You sure have some fantastic ideas and put them into place so well. Very nice job on the whole room.

  18. Oh my word!! I came to visit you through the SUPER SWEET comment you left on my blog. I am sooo glad to find you! This room is just amazing, I am utterly in awe of what you have done on a budget! The book nook is the cutest thing I have ever seen witht he little ladder and the barn wood, LOVE. I love how everything ties in, like the knobs and the map on the wall, so special and personalized. I am following you now, can't wait to see more!!! Thank you for visiting me and leaving a comment, I hope you have a wonderful day! 🙂

  19. It's perfect, Ange, and particularly with a cute little boy in it! My favorite part is the reading nook with the light shining down on it – that is one-of-a-kind and I hope your little boy will grow to love books even more than he seems to be in these pics.

  20. Such a perfect room for the most adorable boy! Great job.
    Let me know how the switch to WP goes for you 🙂

  21. Hey Ange, I am about to embark on a stenciling project and have been drooling over all of the amazing stenciling projects you've done. Would you be interested in doing a guest post on my blog featuring your stenciled rooms/cloffices with some stenciling tips? No rush.

  22. So cute! I LOVE the book nook (and it looks like your son does, too!) with the wood wall and light fixture. What a great room for a little guy 🙂

  23. Love this! It gives me hope of finally finishing my sons new room. I love love love the book nook. So cute!

  24. Now I feel an extra boost of creativity to get on my little boy's room…it's just plain sad that he's 5 and has our old dark brown *floral* comforter on his bed. I mean, really, what kind of mother does that to her child??? (c: His reading nook is pretty much *DA BOMB*…that will be a favorite childhood memory for sure…so awesome! And I love me some bright furniture (c:

  25. Cute room for a sweet little boy – Love the reading nook – a cushion for that space would make it soft and comfy too, along with the pillow!

  26. Absolutely darling! That book nook is incredible, what little one wouldn't love a spot like that to cozy up and read! Wonderful job!

  27. Oh how I love what you did. The light fixture just finishes it off. What a great space for a little guy. Great job!

  28. What a great little boy's room! Especially that book nook! Way to work in some vintage rustic!

  29. That nook is pretty great… any boy would be so proud to call it his own! My favorite part? The light!! I'm trying to find somewhere in my home to incorporate an industrial light fixture. Hmm… now my wheels are turning. 🙂

  30. I love it!! You did an awesome job… We are in the process of redoing our little guy’s Thomas the Train bedroom and LOVE the giant world map on the wall. Would you mind if I ask where you got it from and how much? Thx so much!! Our little guy loves the planets so thought I’d do that and add a world map. Love the road signs too! 🙂

  31. Love the nook! I have the same nook in our master bedroom and we made built in type shelving. BUT I LOVE this idea for a kids room. And the pictures of him posing in it – absolutely adorable! 🙂

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