April Musings & Reflections

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Two years ago today, we walked into our current home for the first time. We didn’t know it would be our home but the Lord did. Thankfully I snap chatted my way through some homes we were looking at so I have our first impressions on video which is kind of fun.

I liked this house but I wasn’t in love with it, I didn’t say right away, yup this is it! But there’s a moment that I can still clearly remember, we were in the basement, and I knew it was going to be our home. I even took a picture of our son at that moment so I could remember it.

On May 7th, 2020 when everything was official, I sat down and wrote a blog post about moving. Towards the end I wrote:

So while we grieve all the wonderful memories, our neighborhood and even our home, I know that God has good things planned for us in our new city, neighborhood and home.

We trust you to provide again, that you have gone before us and our new home and community may be different but it will still be good.

Today I sit here and reflect on just how true those words have been for us since I first wrote that post almost two years ago. God has good things for us here too. Leaving our home and neighborhood that we loved didn’t mean we were leaving God’s goodness and purposes for us behind and wandering into some unknown. It also didn’t mean we were moving to lesser things either. God has plans and purposes for us, always, no matter where we are. In fact, He prepared those for us before we even knew we were moving.

Ephesians 2:10

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time for us to do.

The longing to find a church home and community during the weird season we were in, the processing and healing that has taken place, it was all part of the journey. Sometimes being uprooted and replanted is confusing and maybe even painful. But God wastes nothing. Now we enter a new season, with plans and purposes ready and waiting for us.

Someone once told me it takes two years for you to feel settled and that a new place is home. As we approach that mark here, I couldn’t agree more. The longing for our old home is less and less as we settle in. Friends, a faith community and kids activities have started to fill our calendar. We’ve discovered favorite restaurants, shortcuts to Target and created a list of places we still want to check out.

Last week I read The Midnight Library by Matt Haig for our neighborhood book club. It’s an interesting fiction read about a library which contains books that provide the reader a chance to see what life would have been like if they had made a different choice. Maybe a chance to change a decision they regret and how life would have played out instead.

Obviously as a believer this leads to conversations regarding free will and Sovereignty of God. Which we won’t get into right now. But my husband and I did have an interesting conversation regarding how the simple act of choosing a house can really change your life in profound ways. While the Pond Home may not have been my first choice, I’m so glad it’s the place we get to call home.

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