Last summer, I had an idea for a business, a space where people could come together to create. We would have a variety of classes and my wonderfully creative friends who all share different passions and abilities in art would be able to share their passion with others. People who want to create but need direction and guidance would come and learn from my friends. They would meet other people who love to create or feel they aren’t creative but want to be.
It was so exciting and I looked at some properties in town for the new venture. I created a name, I was making lists of ideas, my hubby was totally on board. And then, I chickened out. I was scared, what if it failed? What if we put money into this idea I was passionate about and it was a flop? What if it was successful? What if???
Instead I decided to work at a paint store in town. The idea was that I would help people in the store with color selections, something I enjoy doing as well. The job wasn’t bad but it was not me. So I started making wood signs on the side. Then I decided to host a diy sign class in my home and I loved it. I was excited that people who feel they don’t have a creative bone in their body, made a sign for their home that they loved and wanted to display proudly. Soon we had another class and the same thing happened. I then was able to co-host a workshop at a boutique in town which was so awesome! That has led to another opportunity in town for May, along with some awesome opportunities as a vendor and to lead a small creative workshop for an event.
After a good conversation with my husband, I put in my notice at the paint store. I will be done the end of April. I enjoyed working at the paint store, my co-workers are fun and so are the customers. What I don’t like is the routine, doing the same thing all the time. I love to do a variety of things and I feel like this business would be a great fit for me in that I can change up the workshops and what I create.
My word for this year was create boldly. So I have created a business name, we are working on a website and fb page, venturing into this business with a head full of ideas and a heart to bring people together.
We are praying boldly for a space that is in a great location and also affordable. A space where I can gather creative people together to share their gifts and talents with others. A place where people can come create, be creative and have fun! Even bigger, a coffee shop inside with a retail space as well. I have big dreams and maybe this won’t happen or it will be a big failure and I’ve realized I have to be ok with that. At least I tried because the thing I regret the most, is not going for it this past fall. So I will learn from my regret and if it fails, I will learn from my failure as well. My biggest prayer is that God will be glorified in my business!