2018 – year in Review

Posted On By ange
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As 2018 comes to a close, it’s time for my annual look back and blog.  I had great plans for 2018, focus was my word of the year and I was excited!  Using my Cultivate Power Sheets I was rolling through January, February and March like a boss.  In April things started to get a little less focused for me.  We had lots of friends going through lots of crap.  And honestly, as the year went on, I was just kind of all over the place.  By August the year was really just not going the way I thought it would.  And that’s ok.  But, focus was gone, survival was on.  Nothing inherently bad happened, but it seemed that it was just a heavy year. I have felt like I am living on some island, stretched and pulled in many directions yet sort of alone at the same time.  Now, part of this maybe my 7 showing, (enneagram reference for those who are thinking I’m nuts), as I want to hide or run from painful, negative feelings and experiences.  I have been slowly processing through it all when I’ve had time.  And so as I look back at 2018, I would love to have a reminder of all the great things that happened.

January – We had a New Years party which was a lot of fun.  Our oldest started her first job, the youngest played basketball and our cheerleader had her first cheer competition.

February – We kicked off the month with a project, we tore the carpet off our steps and added hardwood treads.  We also spent time building decor for our church’s Candlelight Dinner which is always a blast.

March – Another project, this time the powder room!  I struggled with wallpaper but finally got it up.  We learned about the Enneagram and fell in love with it, so go check it out if you haven’t yet!  We went to the Dells for a cheer competition and had fun with family!

April – We celebrated Easter minus one child who was in Florida with her high school band,  that was weird.  We also started college visits with the oldest, again that was weird.  Oddly enough we didn’t really travel anywhere besides to Iowa for one night to look at a college.  Alex built me a sofa table which I absolutely love!

May – We had a pretty busy month with kids activities.  The youngest had a birthday party at a Twins game and again, more activities for the end of the school year.  Surprise, Alex built a retaining wall and put up the pool.  We did take a day trip to Decorah with our friends to hike, canoe on the river and explore some great parks.

June – We took our big road trip to Arizona the day the kids got out of school. That was definitely a vacation to remember but not one I really want to repeat.  Ha!  We did hit up Colorado on the way and that was fun.  We did all the things including Sedona, the Grand Canyon, horseback rides and even a Diamondbacks game.  By the time we got back I was ready to enjoy some downtime and the pool!

July – We had family visit for the 4th of July.  Lots of busyness with the kids nannying, baseball and cheer.  We rented a boat for the day with friends and had an awesome time, definitely on our list for next summer.  Alex and I managed to get away for our 20th anniversary for a few nights.  It was a quick trip to Nashville and back but we had fun!  The kids pooled their money together and purchased a trampoline for the back yard.

August – Was the month of monarchs.  We had so many freaking butterflies that we hatched, it was getting a little crazy.  We went to Michigan for senior pics for our oldest which was a ton of fun.  One of my best friends took her pics and I am so thankful!  On our way back we stopped at Lake Kitch-iti-kipi which was cool.  If you are ever in the UP I highly recommend it.  We had family visit when we got back and we went to the Zac Brown Band Concert at Target field.  Unfortunately, we headed back to Michigan for my Aunt’s funeral.  To end the month, I started a new job and sold my workshop business.  Tennis and Football started up for some of the kids.  My parents came to visit us on their way back to Arizona and I canned tomatoes with my mom which I have never done before.  Finally, our oldest started her senior year of high school.  August was officially the craziest and probably weirdest month this year.

September – Labor Day weekend we spent in Duluth which was a lot of fun!  Lots of football games and tennis games were watched.  Family came to visit for a weekend which was great.  We managed to sneak in a quick trip to the Orchard and picked some pumpkins.

October – Homecoming for the two oldest was fun.  They are so beautiful and growing up so fast.  Unfortunately we had to put the schnauzer down and that was really rough.

I celebrated my 41st birthday which was a nice spot of sunshine after a crappy few weeks before.  This month was not a great one for many reasons that I won’t go into on the blog but again, friends going through junk that sucks.  Football and tennis finished up, thank goodness!  We were all tired.

November – Alex and I worked on Christmas decor for our church which turned out beautifully but was a lot of work.  We spent Thanksgiving in Wisconsin with family which was nice.  November was just busy with a lot of stuff but nothing very exciting.

December – A blur.  That’s what December felt like.  We had a cheer competition in the cities.  We went to see Tim Hawkins in LaCrosse and ended up sitting in the cry room watching it on a tv.  Lol.  We decorated the church some more.  Family arrived on the 22nd for Christmas and we had a nice time hanging out.

Looking back, this year definitely had some fun moments but I am ready to move on to 2019.  So here’s to a New Year!  Cheers!



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