2011 Year in Review

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2011 is coming to a close and looking back I can say that 2011 had a few big changes for our family! This time last year I was blogging under Love From My Kitchen and had maybe 11 followers which were mostly friends and family. I was having fun blogging my recipes and some things about our home but didn’t really have much of a clue as to what I was doing. I thought it would be fun to look back over the past year and see how things have changed.

January  I share our 2011 House Goals and we started on the Cloffice.

February   Cloffice Reveal

March      Playroom Makeover

April     Launch of The Blooming Hydrangea & Our Little Boy’s Bedroom Reveal

June     I introduced you to Ruby the newest member of our home and I also had some really great Guest Bloggers filling in for me while we were busy moving.

July I shared our Colonial’s never ending siding project minus the front door being painted and I also get a little more personal by sharing about  My Miscarriage and Ectopic Pregnancy

August The birth of Roomspiration was born and I was finally able to announce it!

September We worked on the Entryway
October I hosted the Closets and Nooks portion of Roomspiration where I revealed the new Cloffice. which is still not quite done and I also shared the progress I made on Painting our Oak Trim White.

November I shared the start of  Our Master Bedroom makeover and I also won a ticket to Haven!
December I shared some of my Favorite Things, participated in the 12 Crafty Days of Christmas where I shared my tablescape and shared the rest of my Christmas decorating here.

We started the year out strong on projects and renovating the Colonial then we moved in June and since then it’s been slow going. We did promise our kids no projects for six months but failed on that. The entryway, Powder Room and Cloffice were all done in about a 4 week period in September but since then we haven’t done much besides painting trim and our bedroom. Is painting considered a project?  Not according to the 10 almost 11 year old, she said “I like when you do projects and painting doesn’t count.”  I am really excited to get working on Master Bedroom again and also, I have Rustoleum Cabinet Transformations kit sitting in my house just waiting for me to open it! 

I’ll be back later this week to post our House Goals for 2012. You can read Our House Goals for 2011 post here and I feel even with moving halfway through the year, we didn’t do too badly! How was your year looking back?   Did you blog about your year in review, if so I’d love to read it! Get your posts ready to link up and come join me!

When you link up if you would please either save the above image and include it in your post or leave a direct link back to this party, I’d appreciate it! 

I’m linking up here:

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22 thoughts on “2011 Year in Review

  1. ooh i love he exterior of the new house- adorable! this was a lot of fun since i didn't see a lot of it. and as for the personal stuff i always think it is worth sharing if you reach even one person and they know they are not alone- it's one more person than you would have reached keeping it in.

  2. You guys had a busy year! Isn't it cool to look back and see how much you've done?

    I linked up and edited my post to link to your party. Thanks for hosting. 🙂

  3. I did the same stenciling on a wall in my front room! I just read your posts on your losses. I had two losses last year. The first I had to have a D&C like you and my second was a threatened ectopic that ended on its own. It's a hard thing. I posted while going through it as well because, like you, I know that many women experience this and I wanted to {hopefully} use my story to help other women. Thank you for sharing!

  4. You guys definitely were busy! I still think the idea of a "cloffice" is completely adorable. 🙂 Thanks for hosting!

  5. Thanks for hosting Ange! You all were busy this year. I am so sorry to hear about your losses. I hope you have a Happy New Year.

  6. Love your projects, each and every one. Especially the cloffice! And that amazing exterior home transformation! Wow!

    Thanks for inviting us to join in on on the fun!

  7. Ange, thanks for hosting this Year in Review link up party and coming up with the insanely genius idea that was Roomspiration 🙂 You rock! Here's to lots more blogging fun in 2012!!!

  8. You are doing awesome, Ange! I want you to know, if for some reason I haven't told you already, how grateful I am for your support. You have helped me tremendously and I adore you & your family. I am excited for what lies ahead for both of us and look forward to cheering each other on along the way. Thank you so much!! Let's make a goal to meet in person some time in 2012. 🙂 Hugs! Shan

  9. Hi Ange! I found your blog through "Unskinny Boppy". Thanks for hosting this party and giving us a place to post our best of 2011. I am going to "Haven" too…see you there. I am following you now.

  10. I'm new to blogging, and I am so excited to make new friends. Love your site, and now I am a follower too. I linked up to your party. Here's to a great 2012!

  11. Thanks so much for sharing all of your adventures and hardships with us. You have had quite the year. I look forward to reading old posts! Newest follower!


  12. Thanks for hosting this 2011 overview party! How fun! Glad I could be involved. Have a great Monday!

  13. You definitely had a crazy busy year! I love each and everyone of your projects and look forward to seeing more in 2012! 😉


  14. What beautiful makeovers you did in 2011! Thank you so much for hosting this fun party. Happy New Year! -K

  15. Been brilliant discovering you and your inspirational projects this past year and looking forward to so much more to come! Thanks for hosting this fabulous party 😉 xxx

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