Updating the Cloffice

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Last fall during the Roomspiration Party, I hosted the Closet and Nooks portion and I revealed my cloffice in the new house but it was never quite finished.  I have finally added a few things and today I’m showing you the updates.

The Cloffice in my first house was a big hit and I really loved the use of space.  This is when I first fell in love with stenciling as well.

When we moved one of the first things I missed was my cloffice as this kept happening on the kitchen counter and I can’t stand piles and mess on my counters.  Also, how can you find anything when you aren’t sure where it even is?


So that is how one of the first projects in this house was making a cloffice out of our front entryway closet.

Which then led to building a shelf with hooks in the hallway to the right so guests had a place to hang their coats. Here’s a little before and after shot of the hallway with the coat shelf.

Looking the opposite way down the hall.  You can read more about the entryway updates here.

Here is the after of the front closet, I did recently update the center of the wall by adding a piece of artwork that we’ve had for a few years.  Our friends who are in the antique world bought us this for a house warming gift.  I love the gold frame and colors, so pretty.  The wall is stenciled with Martha Stewart Precious Metals paint in Hazel using a Wallovers Stencil.  The wall color is Galapagos Turquoise by Benjamin Moore.  The desk and chair were a Craigslist find.  In the drawers are nice file folders for bills and paperwork, places for miscellaneous cords for the computers and i-pods, note cards, envelopes and all the other fun office type stuff.  The side wall has a nice pocket folder area where I keep our home binder and some folders that I use often.



The ceiling is covered in barn wood that I was able to rip off of an old falling apart barn, thanks to my friend Jenny.  We had a great time using our tools and rusty nails.   The light fixture is from IKEA.


I love when we can turn spaces that maybe aren’t being used to their full potential into something useful and functional.  The grand total for this space was around $225 give or take a few dollars.  Not bad for an organized area to pay bills, charge your laptop and i-pads, store all that miscellaneous stuff like envelopes, paperclips, stamps, bills, kids school papers and pens.

Have you turned any of your closets into offices, sewing nooks, craft areas or something else?

Linking up here:

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13 thoughts on “Updating the Cloffice

  1. Wow, magnificent! I like this one even better. I love that desk! The barnwood ceiling – awesome. The chandy – such a great touch. The colors you used on the stencil are perfect. Awesome!!

  2. It’s always the little things, isn’t it? No pun intended about it being a cloffice and all (c: But seriously, the things that really make me love this are the rad color combo of the stencil…barn wood ceiling…great desk with the cutest little pulls! Yup, I’d move in (c:

  3. What a beautiful space, Ange! I love the color and stencil on that wall, especially with the wood tone from the desk. So pretty and functional!!! You are a magician!!

  4. What a terrific use of space and how pretty it turned out. In my last house we had a closet/office and it was a great way to make room for the computer. Sadly, I don’t have a spare closet where I am right now, but at least this gets me to thinking of what other spaces could be re-purposed. Thanks so much for sharing!

    P.s. I owe you a real email, I have been sick, but I will write soon.

  5. Closets make wonderful offices because everything goes away by the close of the door. I’ve worked from home for over 26 years and many times the office was in the closet.

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