No More Perfect Moms! I’m ready, are you?

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With New Years right around the corner, many of us are looking back over the past year of successes and failures, joys and sorrows, resolutions we made, resolutions we didn’t make, goals we met and goals we didn’t meet.   I gave up making resolutions a few years ago because the feelings of defeat and despair I felt after failing at my resolution were just not healthy.  Probably because I am a perfectionist.  It’s ok for others to fail or screw up but when it’s me, I beat myself up verbally over mistakes and failures. Then I add on top of that the comparison game, she’s skinnier than me, her house is nicer than mine, etc. and I end up feeling defeated, ugly, fat, like a bad mom and wife and the tape continues in a loop in my head.  So when I attended the Hearts at Home Conference a few months ago and received an excerpt from Jill Savage’s new book No More Perfect Moms, I knew I would be buying the book and reading it cover to cover, highlighting it, quoting it and encouraging all the moms I know to head out and pick up a copy for themselves.  Then something even better, I applied to be a part of Jill’s No More Perfect Moms Launch team and oh happy day, here I am!   In the next few weeks I’ll be blogging about this book and encouraging you to join me as well.   I mean, who doesn’t want to read more, check this out from the About the Book page, does it resonate with you like it does with me:

Are you less patient than you thought you’d be? Do you weigh more than you want? Are your children more strong-willed than you expected? Does your house always seem to be a mess? Is your marriage not always the “happily ever after” you dreamed it would be?

Do you sometimes have thoughts like these: ” I don’t measure up.” “I’m failing as a mom.” “My kids don’t act like her kids.” ” My house doesn’t look like her house.” ” My body doesn’t look like her body.” “My husband doesn’t help like her husband does.” “What is wrong with me?”

If you’ve ever felt that way, you’re not alone. There is nothing wrong with you or your family. You are normal. Your frustrations are normal. Your disappointments are normal. Your struggles are normal. In fact, that’s what this book is all about: the reassurance that you are normal.

There are no perfect moms (just women who make a good outward appearance). There are no perfect kids (just kids who are dressed well and behave well just when you see them). There are no perfect houses (just ones where the clutter is cleverly stored!) There are no perfect bodies (just ones who know the beauty of Spanx!).

Perfection doesn’t exist…but unfortunately we waste a lot of time and energy pursuing the elusive mirage we’re just sure can be found. While we’re pursuing perfection, we’re missing out on the most precious parts of life: the laughter of silliness, the joy of spontaneity, the lessons found in failure, and the freedom found in grace.

No More Perfect Moms will help you…

  • Change your unrealistic expectations to realistic expectations in order to better manage everyday challenges.
  • Give grace and love to your husband and children even in difficult family life circumstances.
  • Increase your confidence when you resist the urge to compare your insides to other women’s outsides.
  • Discover the beauty of grace when you stop judging yourself and stop judging others.
  • Find freedom from disappointment when you embrace your real family, your real challenges, and your real, but imperfect, life.

Your assignment if you choose to accept it:

Head over and sign up for the No More Perfect Moms 31 day Email Challenge by clicking on the link.  It starts January 1st and I can’t wait!  We’ll be talking about it more on my fb page daily, so after you sign up, head over here and friend request me (ange Blooming Hydrangea) so we can do this together!

Then head over to the No More Perfect Moms website and check out all the great info and resources.  If you aren’t familiar with Jill Savage the author, she’s the founder and director of Hearts at Home  so make sure to check out Hearts at Home and Jill’s websites as well.  Tons of information and resources for moms that you are gonna love, I promise!

Finally, the book No More Perfect Moms will be available to purchase but we want you to wait until the week of February 4th through the 9th so that it can reach as many moms as possible.  If you buy the book during that week, you will receive bonuses of free e-books, audio workshops and more.   Definitely a great purchase!

If you are a blogger and are joining me, feel free to grab this button from here:

 No More Perfect Moms

What I would really love is for you to join me over the next few weeks as we go through the email challenge and I discuss the book here.  Spread the word, get ready to gather  your girlfriends and go through this together.  Break those chains of unrealistic expectations, failure, mom guilt and more because the revolution is here, there are No More Perfect Moms!

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4 thoughts on “No More Perfect Moms! I’m ready, are you?

  1. What an incredible series Ange! I’m so excited to read the book and thrilled that you are apart of the launch team. This will be a blessing and encouragement to so many moms out there…including me! 🙂

  2. Congrats!! What a great opportunity for you to be part of the team. I think we all have those feelings of not measuring up (certainly me) and can be tough on ourselves, isn’t it amazing how we convince ourselves everyone has it together but us! I don’t do FB but look forward to you blogging about it!

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