This fall I blogged about our flex room and what I would like to do if we moved my husband’s office out of there. It’s right off the front entry of our home.

. The day has arrived and we are prepping to move his office to a spare room upstairs. I will share more on that room in another blog post.

After pinning away recently, I’ve come up with a plan and I am so excited! Drum roll………..The flex room is going to become a library/dining area!

If you follow me on social media, you know that I miss having a dining room. We used it daily in our last home.

The round white dining table is currently in the basement for games, puzzles and holding food when we host but I would love to move it upstairs to the flex room.

The carpet won’t be leaving the flex room anytime soon but I think a cute rug could remedy the situation under the table nicely, protecting the carpet from stains.

When we have friends over, there never seems to be enough seating for eating so this would help solve that issue. Adults can gather in the cool library/dining area, kids out at the kitchen table. I have 8 extra dining chairs that are currently in storage or at the table in the basement so all we need is to move them upstairs!

I was hoping with the table in the basement it would become our homeschool area but we much prefer being on the main floor, close to the fridge and pantry apparently. IF we homeschool next year, I think this room would be an amazing place to have the kids work in. Plus with bookshelves, it would be easier to put everything away when we are done for the day.

Currently I am typing up this blog post on the kitchen island. While I don’t necessarily need an office, it would be nice to have the table in the flex room to use for blogging and design work. Also I am pretty sure a cute chandelier would really help me focus.

Finally, we’ve talked about adding transoms and above the doorway to the flex room would be an amazing addition to the entry. It adds so much architectural interest and would help show off the chandelier.

The only thing missing is books. Oh man. If anyone is getting rid of hard cover books, send them my way.

Who knows when we will actually start working on this space, I would love to get it done ASAP but summer is almost here in Minnesota and when the sun is out, so am I! There will be some progress made soon I am sure but it may take a while for the actual bookcases to get put in and of course filled with books! I’ll be stalking fb marketplace for a chandy and rug, oh and lots of books. Hopefully some that we will actually read. So, what do you think? Are you ready to turn your dining room into a library/dining room combo?