Ok, I was so busy working on the bub’s room this week that I didn’t send out my Blooming Blogger questions in time. What to do, What to do? I know, let my husband have a turn in the hot seat. He is insistent that he can’t be the Blooming Blogger because he doesn’t have a blog, but he does have a blog post. I think that qualifies, don’t you?
Today the Blooming Blogger is my hubby. He is a wonderful husband who gives great shoulder rubs and puts lotion on my feet without me asking. He is also the dishman at our house, the DIY guy, musician madman, math homework answering expert and dog poop scooper extraordinaire! Without further ado, here is The Blooming Hubs!
Hello again, Blogopolis!! Blooming Hubs here, glad to finally get an opportunity to use the “family” laptop. You’d think that I would have enough computer time after working with my mad computer skills all day, but in the evening I like to do a little recreational computing if you know what I mean. But generally, the evening conversation with Ange goes something like this:
Me: Hey hon, can I use the computer for a little bit to play Scrabble on Facebook?
Ange (looking up from the computer in a daze): Huh?
Me: The computer…can I use it for a bit?
Ange: I am in the middle of a Pinterest search and I’m finding amazing things. Plus I have a blog post I have to get out and I have 1.5 million comments I need to do on my post and on several thousand others. But yeah, hey, why don’t you just veg on the computer for a bit, go ahead!
Me: Hey, look what’s on TV!
OK, OK, so it’s not really like that, but I am glad to put my fingertips on the keyboard of our laptop from time to time. Anyway, thanks to my darling for letting me put yet another post on your amazing blog, you are awesome!!
What is your favorite room or project that you have worked on?
Hmmm…ok, putting the toughest question first, I see how this works! There is a lot to choose from, including our first major project where we finished the basement of our first house, the “summer of vinyl (siding)” in 2010, the many times we’ve installed laminate flooring, and many, many more (we have been busy the past 10 years, what can we say!). But if I had to pick one that really stands out that Ange and I both put a lot of effort into that turned out great was the original cloffice at our last house. I think that project taught us that we could be creative and yet design something that was very functional for our home. Ange will be the first to tell you that in our relationship I am the “functional” guy (“what are we going to DO with this project”) and Ange is the “form” lady (“how is this project going to LOOK?”). And that project worked well for both of those aspects and it turned out great!
If you could choose a different career, what would you choose and why?
Another tough one. For those that don’t know, I’m currently a software developer, programmer, computer geek, whatever you want to call me. I do get great joy out of telling my computer (and many others like it) what to do even if it doesn’t always listen to me. But I also have always been involved with music in my life and currently spend some of my time volunteering on our church’s worship team.
So I think that some sort of music career (even being a worship pastor) would be something I would love to do because I love the beauty of music, and in particular worship music and how it soothes the soul if you know what I mean.
What is your favorite food? (It better be something I make or you are in big trouble.)
Ummm…do you make Red Vines??? J/K my love! My absolute favorite is Stromboli, Ange makes an amazing batch for us quite regularly. But a close second is pasties, a dish that reflects my heritage from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and another one that Ange makes an incredibly delicious version of.
If you could vacation anywhere, where would you go and why?
Somewhere warm, for sure. Ange will tell you that I love the warmth and tolerate the cold where we live. But not sure if somewhere like Hawaii is something that I would like or not. But there is a certain majesty about the ocean, sandy beaches, beautiful sunsets, and the thought of sharing all of those with my beautiful bride that entices me. So maybe somewhere like Florida, the Carolinas, California (not the metro areas, though) would be nice. I’ll stick to somewhere that Ange and I can drive to. And another place of intrigue to me would be Australia, not sure why but it just seems like it would be cool to go “down under”.
Favorite Date Night?
Dinner and a movie and a nice walk and conversation. Somewhere to eat that we can have a nice quiet booth (where we would likely be found sitting on the same side of the table so we can be close!). Then a nice little stroll hand-in-hand, talking about our life together, dreaming, etc. Then a late movie (not a chick flick!) that we both laugh and enjoy with a side of popcorn. Then ending by coming home to a quiet house and…..well, I’ll let you imagine the rest! Since by now you all know how shy I am about that stuff! 😉
What are you reading right now?
Ange’s blog!! Just kidding, although I am an avid reader of this wonderful blog, you know! The book I’m reading right now is Evidence That Demands a Verdict by Josh McDowell. I am big into apologetics and theology (boring, I know – told you I was a geek!) but even this book is quite a bit on the “heady” side for me. On the casual side, just enjoyed the Hunger Games recently as well, looking forward to reading the other two in that series soon.
Favorite tool?
Many to choose from, we have a lot, but my favorite would have to be the air compressor brad nailer we bought for like $50 and have used it like a million times and it’s still holding up very well!
If you could re-name my blog for the both of us, what would you name it? (We are not doing this, I am just curious what he would say. Although I am moving to WP very soon and my blog name is up for renewal, hmmmm…………………….)
…hmmm…ok, maybe this is the hardest question after all! Naming things is a difficult process for Ange and me to do, just ask her sometime about naming all of our kids! But off the top of my head maybe something like “A Wink and a Smile” (since that’s how we go together if you know the song I’m referring to) or perhaps “Form and Function” maybe? Or how about “Just Doing Our Thing Together”, I don’t know. I’m already way past my allotted time on the laptop, Ange is hovering over me and making me stop so she can get back on Pinterest or something.
Anyway, it’s been fun, time to go trim my ear or nose hair or something productive like that (why does hair have to grow THERE when you get older). Thanks for listening blogland, and Peace Out!
The Blooming Hubs
Ok, thanks honey, I think. Wow, if you know my husband in real life you are probably amazed at how much “talking” he just did on here. Give the guy a keyboard and he can’t shut up. Well at least it was mostly good things…..just for the record I do not hoard the laptop. He just takes a really long time when he’s playing scrabble because he’s trying to get a “Yahtzee” or something. Anyways, I think he “talked” enough for both of us today so I’ll end this now and will be back tomorrow to share our new bub’s room. It’s coming together and I’m really excited about it even if my IKEA tripped was snowed out. Until tomorrow……………and tell what you think, would you still read this blog if the hubby was more involved?

i LOVED reading this! you two are so in love it's adorable!!!!!!
and i think i might need to do an interview with my husband like this- i think it's so fun!!!!! and he doesn't read my blog, so even better. 😉
I LOVE the office space I wish I had room in my house for one!!!!!
Well done blooming blogger!! 🙂 I loved this and would read your blog no matter what my friend! I feel like it just helps us get to know you better and makes us like you even more. Cracked up about hogging the computer…that doesn't happen at all in our house…nope…not one bit. LOL!
That was so entertaining. Your husband sounds like a great guy and he's clearly crazy about you! Love this post.
Gosh i miss you guys. 🙁
Oh y'all are so stinkin cute. 🙂
This was fun! I think people who do music at church are at least 50% cooler than everyone else.
Awwww this is BRILLIANT! (Can you tell I'm catching up on your blog, Ange?!) I had to read the "conversation" bit to my other half because it was just too funny – so much like our house except that (thank god) we each have our own laptops – but the Pinterest daze? Yeah he knows that one well lol
You guys are so clearly in love, it's so sweet to have this little glimpse into your relationship! And it makes me want to get my own guy to write a post 😉 xxx